Privacy Policy

The-K Hotel operated by The-K Jirisan Family Hotel (“the Company”) values users’ personal information and complies with the Promotion of Information Network Utilization and Information Protection Act. The Company informs you of the collection method of personal information and its purpose as well as the steps being taken to protect your personal information through the privacy policy statement. Moreover, the Company will notify the privacy policy statement via the website (or individual notification) when it is revised.

Article 1. Personal Information Items Collected and Method of Collection

The-K Jirisan Family Hotel can freely access most of our contents without joining as a member. If you want to use the Company’s membership services, you must enter the following information, and there is no restriction on the use of the service without entering the optional items.

  1. 1. Scope of Collection of Personal Information

    1. A. The-K Jirisan Family Hotel only collects personal information to the minimum extent necessary to provide services.
    2. B. The-K Jirisan Family Hotel does not collect sensitive information about you that is likely to violate your fundamental human rights (including personal information related to ethnic race, thoughts, beliefs, origin, place of family register, political bias, criminal record, health condition, and sexual orientation).
  2. 2. Personal Information Items Collected

    1. To sign up as a website member

      1. * Required items: Name, ID, name in English, date of birth, gender, address, mobile number, email, and password
      2. * Optional items: Marital status, wedding anniversary, and phone number
    2. To book a room

      1. * Required items: Name, gender, date of birth, nationality, mobile number, and email, reservation password
      2. * Optional items: Company name, phone number, and fax number
    3. To book a banquet

      1. * Required items: Name, mobile number, address, and email
      2. * Optional items: Phone number
    4. Consulting reservation

      1. * Required information : name, mobile phone, email address
  3. 3. Method of Collecting Personal Information

    The Company collects personal information through the website (membership registration, reservation consultation, customer’s voice, online questionnaire survey, event participation), written form, telephone, fax, etc. In addition, the following information can be generated and collected in the course of service use or business processing.

    1. * IP Addresses, cookies, time and date of visits, records of service use
Article 2. Purpose of Collection and Use of Personal Information

The Company collects personal information to provide satisfactory services and for the following purposes:

  1. 1. To perform the service agreement and produce contents related to the service provision, provide service- and subscription-related counseling, deliver notices, confirm customers’ intent, and secure a communication path such as receiving customers’ opinions;
  2. 2. To manage members (signing up as a member, members and users identification, prevention of inappropriate or unauthorized use, confirmation of users’ intent to become a member, age check, complaint handling, delivery of notices)
  3. 3. To utilize for marketing/advertisement (to deliver information on advertisements including promotional events, provide services based on demographic characteristics, and place advertisements); and
Article 3. Period of Retaining and Utilizing Personal Information
  1. 1. The-K Jirisan Family Hotel destroys members’ personal information without delay once the purpose of its collection and use has been attained. The time of destruction is as follows

    1. A. Membership subscription information is kept for one year to provide service to returning guests after the membership withdrawal (under the internal policy)
    2. B. Information on the use of guest rooms is kept for five years to provide service to returning guests (under the internal policy)
    3. C. Shipping information is kept until the goods or services have been delivered; and
    4. D. Personal information collected through surveys, events, etc. is kept until the survey, event, etc. is completed.
  2. 2. However, if the Company needs to keep personal information for a certain period under applicable laws such as the Commercial Act after the purpose of its collection and use has been attained, it does so for the following periods

    1. A. Records on payment and supply of goods: five years
    2. B. Records on the processing of consumers’ complaints or disputes: three years
    3. C. Information that is necessary to be retained as evidence for a lawsuit or dispute; five years; and
    4. D. Records on contracts or canceled applications, etc.: five years
  3. 3. Implementation of Personal Information Expiry System

    1. - According to the personal information expiry system under the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, Etc. (Article 29.2 of the Act and Article 16 of the Enforcement Decree of the same Act as revised), The-K Jirisan Family Hotel will store personal information of those online members who have not used the Company’s service for one year, separately to other information.
Article 4 [Supply of Personal Information to Third Parties]

The-K Hotel Seoul basically handles the personal information within the scope indicated for collection and use and only in case that it falls under the category of Article 17 of the personal information protection act including special provisions of the law or consent from the information subject, it will be provided to a third party.

Recipient goals of collection and use collection and use item retention periods
KTCU union membership checkup name, member number, birthdate, mobile phone number 5 years
Sanha IT Union member inquiry and member service supply name, member number, birthdate, mobile phone number when the goal of supply is achieved
Article 5. Provision and Sharing of Personal Information
  1. 1. Unless a member gives consent or it is permitted under the applicable laws, The-K Jirisan Family Hotel does not in any circumstance use or share personal information of its members with another entity outside the scope defined in the “Purpose of Collection and Use of Personal Information.” To share members’ personal information through business alliance, the Company gives prior and individual notice concerning the party receiving or sharing the information and its main business, the personal information items shared, the purpose of sharing the information, etc. to the member by email or in writing and then obtains his/her consent. The Company only shares personal information with third parties for its unique services. Unless the aforementioned consent is given, the provision and use of services of the Company may be limited.
  2. 2. In any of the following cases, the Company may share members’ personal information without consent, under the applicable laws

    1. A. It is necessary for settling payment of fees (or points) for the service provided or shipping goods
    2. B. Any personal information necessary for statistics, academic research, or market surveys is shared in a form in which a specific individual cannot be identified; or
    3. C. It is required by law or required by a criminal investigation agency under the statutory procedures and methods for crime investigation purposes.
Article 6 [Notice of Consigned Personal Information Handling]
  1. 1. For improved services, the company is consigning the duties of personal information handling to external companies as follows.

    Consignee Details of consigned business
    Sanha IT Room/ball room, B/O system repair and maintenance, online room reservation
    LG U+ Room reservation SMS transmission
    SCI Self authentication for membership signup on the homepage
    Daekyo Industry Hotel CCTV maintenance and management
    Inter Major Homepage system development, repair and maintenance
  2. 2. The details of a company entrusted with personal information processing from the company re-consigns to another company are as follows.

    a re-consignment company
    (Company that re-entrusted the entrusted personal information processing work
    to a third party)
    a re-deposit company
    (Company Re-Consigned)
    the task of re-entrusting
    Sanha IT SamjungDataService Room reservation E-Mail transmission
Article 7. Procedure and Method of Destruction of Personal Information

The Company promptly destroys members’ personal information when the purpose of collecting or using it is achieved

  1. * The method and specific timing of destroying personal information are as follows

    1. - Personal information stored in an electronic file is deleted by a technical method that prevents retrieval of such data.
    2. - Personal information printed in paper is shredded or incinerated.
Article 8. Rights of Users and Legal Representatives and Exercising Them

Members can access or correct their personal information provided to the Company. The Company will take measures without delay once a request to access or edit personal information is made in writing, via phone, or email to the Company’s Privacy Officer or Controller. If a member requests for correction of an error in his/her personal information, the information will not be used or provided until the correction has been completed.

  1. * The Company may refuse your request to view or correct your personal information in cases where

    1. - the request may threaten the data subject’s or other people’s lives, body, property, or rights;
    2. - the request may affect the operation of the relevant service provider; and
    3. - the request is prohibited under the applicable laws and regulations.
Article 9. Method of Withdrawal of Consent
At any time, you have the right to request to withdraw the consent you have made during the membership subscription process to collecting, using, and providing your personal information. The Company will immediately take necessary steps to process your request if you “LOGIN” on the Company’s website and click on “Withdraw membership” or contacting the Company’s Privacy Officer or Controller in writing, via phone, or email.
Article 9. Protection of Personal Information of Children under the Age of 14
The Company does not collect personal information from children under the age of 14. However, if it is necessary to collect personal information from children under the age of 14, the Company will comply with the applicable laws and public notifications.
Article 11. Personal Information Auto Collection Device Installation and Operation and Its Rejection
  1. 1. To provide individual customized service to users, the company uses cookies to save and frequently retrieve the use information.

  2. 2. Cookie refers to small size data sent to the web browser on the PC of users from the server(http) used for operation of the website and it is sometimes saved in the HD of the PC of users.

    1. - Goals of cookie use: To provide the customized service for users who visit the homepage, their personal information such as login ID, whether to check the ‘so not open for a day(pop-up); option and so on is automatically collected
    2. - Cookie installation/operation and rejection: At the top of web browser, select Tools > Internet Option > Personal Information and set the option to reject saving of cookies
    3. - If you reject saving of cookies, then there can be difficulties in using the customized services.
Article 12 [Behavioral Information Collection and Use]
For the site use analysis such as product/service development and customer analysis, the company collects and uses the online behavioral information. Behavioral information refers to the information about user's online activities that can be used to assess and analyze users’ interest, preference or tendency including their history of website visits, app use, and purchase and search and so on,
  1. 1. Behavioral information item collected

    1. - Web/app service visit history, use records such as search/click, ads identifiers
  2. 2. How to collect the behavioral information

    1. - Information collection tool is use for automatic collection and transmission of the information about main activities performed by users in the web/app
  3. 3. Behavioral information recipient

    1. - Google, Kakao, logger, Naver, wider planet, Idea Key Co. Inter Major Co.
  4. 4. Google, Kakao, logger, Naver, wider planet, Idea Key Co. Inter Major Co.

    1. - For use in the user analysis such as product/service development, statistic and customer analysis
  5. 5. Behavioral information retention/use periods and how to handle the information afterward

    1. - Immediately deleted upon expiration of use periods or cookie deletion
  6. 6. User’s control rights exercise methods

    1. - Customer can adjust the browser setting to reject cookie saving and so on to reject use.

      1. · Web browser

        1. Internet Explorer : Tool → Internet Option → Personal Information → Advanced → Disable Cookie Blocking and Processing
        2. Internet Explorer : Tool → Internet Option → Personal Information → Advanced → Disable Cookie Blocking and Processing
      2. · Smartphone

        1. Android phone : Setting → Personal Information Protection → Ads → Select or Deselect Personal Ads Optimization
        2. iPhone : Setting → Personal Information Protection → Ads → Restrict Ads Tracking

          (※ Depending on the version of OS, the method can differ slightly.)

  7. 7. User damage relief methods inquiry from customers

    1. - Management teamt : +82-61-780-7112
Article 13. Technical and Administrative Management of Personal Information

The Company takes technical and administrative measures to secure your personal information from being lost, stolen, leaked, fabricated, or damaged:

  1. ① ① Users’ ID and passwords are encrypted before they are saved and managed so that only the data subject knows his/her ID and password. Viewing and changing personal information is enabled by the data subject only, who remembers his/her password.
  2. ② Measures against hacking

    1. - The Company strives to prevent members’ personal information from being leaked or damaged through hacking or viruses.
    2. - The Company controls attempts of outsiders’ unauthorized access by operating an anti-intrusion system.
  3. ③ Minimizing the number of personnel to access personal information and their trainings

    1. - Only those in charge of handling personal information are allowed to have access to personal information. The Company always emphasizes compliance with the Privacy Policy by training its personnel regularly.
  4. ④ Operation of a Task Force dedicated to personal information protection

    1. - The TF immediately takes corrective measures if any issue arises in connection with the implementation and compliance with the Privacy Policy of the Company.
    2. - However, the Company is not liable for any damages inflicted upon the user whatsoever if ID and password, etc. have been disclosed because of negligence of the data subject or errors on the Internet.
Article 14. Privacy Officer and Controller

The Company has designated the person responsible for dealing with customer complaints related to personal information as follows:

  1. [Personal Information Protection Manager]

    1. - Name: Lee jungwoo
    2. - Position: CEO
    3. - Email:
    4. - Phone: +82-2-526-9310
    5. - Fax: +82-2-526-8228
  2. [Personal Information Protection Manager]

    1. - Name : Kim Yang-soo/ Lee Rak-cheol
    2. - Department : Sales Team, Rooms/Promotion
    3. - Position : Deputy Section Chief
    4. - E-mail : /
    5. - Phone : +82-61-780-7123 / +82-61-780-7190
    6. - Fax : +82-61-780-7125
  3. [Complaint Handling]

    1. - Department : Management team
    2. - Phone : +82-61-780-7112
Article 15. How to Relief Infringed Rights of Information Subjects

While using the company’s service, users are welcome to report about any personal information related complaints to the personal information manager or department. The company will provide users with immediate and satisfactory answers regarding their complaints. In case that you need to report or discuss about other personal information infringement incidents, please contact the following organizations.

  1. - Personal Information Infringement Reporting Center : / 118
  2. - Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee : / 1833-6972
  3. - Cyber Investigation Division of the Supreme Prosecutors' Office : www.spo.go.k / 1301
  4. - National Police Agency: Cyber Security Station ( / 182)
Article 16. Transmission of Advertising Information
  1. 1. The-K Jirisan Family Hotel does not transmit for profit-making advertising information against the customers’ express refusal.
  2. 2. The-K Jirisan Family Hotel includes the following in the email’s title and main text when it transmits any advertising information for online marketing (e.g., provision of product information) so that the customer can easily identify the advertising information:

    1. - Email title: Indicating the word “advertisement” and the transmitter’s name; and
    2. - Email main text: Specifying the name, email address, phone number, and address of the transmitter against whom the user can refuse to receive the advertising information.Specifying the methods by which the user can easily refuse to receive the information.
  3. 3. To transmit to a user who has consented to receive profit-making advertising information by a method (e.g., fax, text message) other than email, the Company takes necessary measures such as indicating the transmitter’s name.
Article 17. Duty of Notification

If the content of the current Privacy Policy is added, deleted, or modified, the Company shall give prior notice before the enforcement of the revised version by displaying “Notice” on the website.

  1. - The version of the current Privacy Policy : 2.1
  2. - Public notice date of the Privacy Policy : September 29, 2011
  3. - Enforcement date of the Privacy Policy: September 30, 2011
  4. - Revision date of the Privacy Policy : January 24, 2017
  5. - Revision date of the Privacy Policy : August 23, 2017
  6. - Revision date of the Privacy Policy : January 11, 2021
  7. - Revision date of the Privacy Policy : February 18, 2021
  8. - Revision date of the Privacy Policy : January 6, 2022
  9. - Revision date of the Privacy Policy : August 8, 2023
  10. - Revision date of the Privacy Policy : May 9, 2024
  11. - Revision date of the Privacy Policy : May 27, 2024

This Privacy Policy of The-K Jirisan Family Hotel is effective as of May 27, 2024